I guess I never did continue the discussion over the weekend - blame it on laundry.
I've been scouring the blogging world for a current Frum dating blog written by a single mid-20's guy, which is better than mine. I haven't found it.
Therefore, I feel I do serve a purpose and will continue writing.
(I don't mean to sound overly confident or anything - I couldn't find ANY other current Frum dating blog written by a single mid-20's guy.)
There does seem to be a few from 2004-5, when I believe the J-blogosphere really took off. Ahh well, better late than never.
So, back to this leap of faith thing.
Obviously, I haven't taken it yet, but on a personal level, I would like to think I’d be ready when the opportunity presents itself. The fact of the matter is there are a whole bunch of guys and girls (http://mydatewascrazy.blogspot.com/2006/12/lead-me-on.html) who are dating just because they don't want to "fall behind."
While I think that that is a justifiable way of thinking, more has to be done so as to avoid leading on the other party. (Girls, you'd be surprised how many guys would agree to go out with you even if you said you were just getting started Shidduch dating and were "practicing" - whether this is Halachically acceptable is a different discussion.)
I'm not so sure I believe in that parenthetical statement, but I'll leave it in there anyway.
On the other hand, maybe if a Frum 23 year old girl wasn't considered "over-the-hill", there would be less of a problem.
Does anyone really believe that a 19 year old girl who has just returned from an intense year of Seminary, having been out of her parent's house for a year and with a whole bunch of ideas in her brain that have to be sorted out, is ready for marriage?
This may sound cruel, but trust me; guys know how to fool girls. They know what a girl wants to hear right after she gets off the plane, and they know how to say it.
Now, I'm not saying that what was learned in Yeshiva/Seminary is just "flipping out" and the individual must force themselves to readjust to the "real world", but there should be some time allowed to process everything.
You can have the noblest intentions in the world, but someone still has to pay the electric bill.
Now this all is very dependant on what kind of relationship you’re looking for. Not to say which one is better (yet, at least), but a couple who get engaged after a week of “hotel-lobbying” will have a different relationship upon marriage than a couple who dated for a significantly longer period. I think part of the problem is that a lot of the more moderate returning Seminary girls get lumped into the “hotel-lobbying” crowd even though that may not be the best for them. If you’re Shomer, it’s not easy to date someone for a long time. But, if you decide that you’re ready to get engaged sooner than you would’ve expected based on your religious and social outlook, then you also have to be prepared to take a bigger leap and be satisfied with a different kind of initial relationship upon marriage than you were hoping for. I think that balance (or lack thereof) is quite possibly the root of the rest of the problems the Shidduch dating world is facing.
Ok, I think I’m even giving MYSELF a headache, so let’s leave it at that for now…