Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Singles' weekend - Part 3, Conclusion (finally)

Sorry I haven’t been posting that frequently.

I know all of my (what are we up to now? 7? 8?) loyal readers wake up early in the morning to see what wisdom has been posted here. I will try to be more consistent.

Anyway, let’s finish up this Shabbaton.

So, the Saturday night activity was speed dating. Contrary to the commenter to the previous post, speed dating is really not my thing. I feel that after a whole Shabbos of mingling and round robins, everyone has had enough time to interact with the people that they want to without having every single person shoved into their faces. I also think it’s cute that the shadchanim go around the room as well. I did find it easier to talk to a shadchan for 90 seconds than a girl though. I have to admit, I didn’t stay for the whole adventure, which seemed to exhaust everyone. The speed dating didn’t wrap up until midnight!

Then, we proceeded to yet ANOTHER mingling session, the Melave Malka. I think at this point, most people were just too tuckered out to really get anything going, although I did notice a few couples getting their talk on. Somehow I still managed to go to bed at 2 AM (I know, I’m talented.)

Sunday morning brought a pretty decent breakfast (food wise that is) and some leftover sleep-deprived (you guessed it…) mingling. Then, we went home.

The end.

Bottom line, I think the Shabbaton was a great event, even if I didn’t find anyone personally. It was a great networking opportunity for all. Unfortunately, some guys did more business networking than the kind they were supposed to be doing. At the least, Klal Yisroel got 10,000 first dates out of the way.

I really think it’s important, though, for girls to feel they have the same power as guys for at least one weekend. During the Shabbaton, there were no lists, no checking things out for weeks on end, just guys and girls naturally (as natural as Frum guys/girls can be) interacting. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to see a few engagements from this event a couple of months from now.

So, I had a good time and am pleased that I went, even though the girls there were not for me (I think, unless I’m just being closed minded :- )

I would encourage available guys to go on the next one (whenever that is.) I hope I don’t have to go (again), but even if I’m available, I don’t think I can be a “three-peater.” We’ll see.

Maybe next time we can delve into the secret process of how guys actually choose which pretty, funny, smart girl to go out with off of their long lists of pretty, funny, smart girls…


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